University and Teaching

  • Workshop @ AGI15: Self-Models and Metzinger's SMT
    Organization of a workshop on self-models and their relationship to "consciousness". Paper presented at AGI 2015 conference. There is also a video of me explaining the ideas.

  • Scene Based Reasoning
    A cognitive architecture based on spacial inference: Paper presented at AGI 2015 conference. There is also a video of me explaining the ideas.

  • February 2002 Web Services for MBAs
    The slides of an introductory class to XML, SOAP and the Web Services economy for biz guys interested in technology, held at La Salle University, Barcelona.

  • January 2002 Software for Translators
    A (very) brief introduction to software development for translators interested in localization.

  • October 2001 ESADE Extreme Programming
    Some slides on IT project management issues and how Extreme Programming and other "agile" development methodologies can contribute to improved customer satisfaction and development efficiency.

  • July 2001 Components for Internet Applications
    Some slides of an introductory class to components and component based architectures for Internet applications. Contains guidelines for the design of component libraries at

  • June 2001 ArsDigita Conference
    The first Spanish ArsDigita Conference (Bootcamp) took place the 2nd and 3rd of June 2001 in Barcelona in the offices of About 35 persons from 6 countries and 14 different institutions participated in the event.

  • January 2001 La Salle eBusiness Seminar
    Some slides from the La Salle eBusiness Seminar held in early 2001. Contains an introduction to eBusiness, explains some basics about the ArsDigita toolkit architecture and presents a "Driving School Portal" case study used as an example for practical exercises. The second part presents the concept of "reliable web services" (#1.pdf, #2.pdf, #3.pdf).

  • February 2001 La Salle Software Architecture Seminar
    Some slides about current eBusiness software architecture, and why Object Oriented Systems not necessarily present the best fit for eBusiness software.

  • December 2000 ArsDigita Seminar at Barcelona Autonomous University
    A practical introduction to the ArsDigita Toolkit (pdf).